Another Wrong With Authority 'Footnote' episode, this time featuring Daniel and Kit talking about George Romero (who probably died recently or something... I'm losing track), most specifically The Crazies and Martin.
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Show Notes
Main Topic: George
Romero, specifically The Crazies (1973) and Martin (1977). Imposter
syndrome. Critical distance. Ground Zero artist. Chutzpah. Often great
without being good. Actors. Casting. Race in Night of the Living Dead.
The Shield. Changing dialogue. Moving on to The Crazies. First the 2010
version. Justified. Crazies as a thematic sequel. Gun control. Vietnam
in Pennsylvania. Survivalist Armageddon. Representations of the
military. Hero entrance. Spark of genius. Ableist title.
Oversignification. Adaptation of an art film. Irrationalism as
overarching theme. Immune survivor. The love triange. Father/daughter
rape scene. Cozy horror iconography. Incestuous. Parallel narratives.
Gas masks. Back to the Future. Trapped in a gym. Bleak George. Nuclear
cynicism. Personal malice. The poison isn't the bacterium. Subversive
art. Romero the hippie. Romero and the moneychangers. Moving on to
Martin. One long rape scene. Censorship. Kit's history with Martin.
Toxic masculinity. Sympathetic murderer/rapist. "Involuntary celibates."
Amplas and vulnerability. Ducking syndrome. Romantic vampire myth. "The
Moffat Effect." Unreliable. Are the murders real? Dreamlike. Fantasy
seduction. Misogynist men. Dehumanization. Butchery. Adult material on
developing brains. Porn and existentialism. "How bad can human nature
get?" Intimate. Black and white sequences. Innocent versus good. Coming
to adulthood. Understanding the ending. The one he didn't do. Sleeping
teenagers. Virtuoso middle. Stumbling Daniel. Walkie-talkie. Guillotine.
"Fuck the New Atheists." Ambiguity. The priest portrayed by George
Romero. Impurity and the mark of the outsider. Reinforcing stereotypes
and The Bad Seed. Monsters as postmodern construct. Wrapping Up.