A year (or so) ago, the unthinkable happened. So, of course, we podcasted about it.
That was
This is now.
This time, Daniel has called Kit and Jack back to the WWA recording bunker, joined by James too this time, to talk about what it's like to have lived a full year since Trump 'won' the 2016 US Presidential 'election'.
This is what happened...
Show notes: Main Topic: Trumpism At One Year. Introducing the band.
Non-productive news obsession. Alabama and purity. James praises his
co-hosts. Corbyn and the soft left. .
Misplaced catastrophism. The first few weeks. John McCain. The roles of
the two parties. Kit's personal and political issues. Don't watch the
news. Obligatory Batman reference. Bush and some weird shit. The
Republicans and Obama. Activists. Discipline. Factionalism and the ACA.
High floor in polls. "This is fine." Easy versus hard. New normal in
global capitalism. The bumbling chessmaster. Scarmucci. Pizza-eating
billionaire. Republican Dave. Mocking the empty suit. Form and content.
Natural charisma. "No-drama Obama." The 2016 primary bullshit.
Homeopathic socialism. "Gary Hart Would Have Won." Women's march.
Drifting left on social issues. Obama was Republican enough. Back to Roy
Moore. Hating pedophiles or women more. Mendacious media and epistemic
closure. Elephant. C-span typography problems. Daniel's guess for 2020.
Intermission: turd-miners. What has Donald Trump done well? American
imperialism and nascent fascism. Trump and Charlottesville. Twitter as a
direct connection to the base. Trump and the media. The spectacle of
wealth. Impossible to ignore. A plurality, not a majority. Foreign
policy and American politics. Never anti-war. Non-ideological. "Lot of
killers." Trump as comedy. Adam Sandler billionaire. Steak and classism
and tiny hands. Trump and mental illness. Trump versus previous
presidents. Crisis? Sorkin. Bullet. Lucky. Conniving versus reckless.
Empire. Russia. Predictions. Wrapping Up. "Old Man Trump."

Oh... Jack is sorry for his mic problems by the way. His generous patrons just paid for a Blue Yeti, so hopefully the situation will soon be resolved.